Thursday, October 18, 2007

You try as hard as you can...

...not to let your kids watch too much tv, expose them to the wrong media, let them see too much advertising... and what happens?

Your two year old gets obsessed with this guy:

Ok, so she's nearly 3, but this has gone on long enough! Every day I hear Caillou, Caillou, Caillou... I have his theme song running over and over in my head. If I tell her she can't watch him, she actually breaks down and cries! I'm talking wails that would move the heart of God. We do do days without tv at all, but all day (on those days) I hear about 100 times (and I'm not exaggerating) "Mama, ki have some Caillou."

Egads! If I were literally pulling out my hair instead of figuratively, I would be as bald as that little chap.

I suppose I should be grateful that as far as obsessions go, the object of this one is relatively harmless (I say relatively because I do screen all episodes and there are some that are off-limits in our house). So there is that. She could have a thing for Barney (something I've been able to hold off so far).

Anyway, just for kicks you can go to one of Amelie's all time favourite places. "Mama, ki see Caillou on the peter?" What, you say? Exactly. Took me a few days to figure that one out. It's Caillou on the computer. Anyway, if you go to this site, pick an icon and the play with a grown up options and it will take you to a room. Pick the dollhouse, and you will enjoy Amelie's favourite activity (aside from watching the show). When you're done, click on the little girl's head and you can see little people in the dollhouse. That's her favourite part.



carol said...

Hello friend! The only reason I CAN tell you where I am at 8 pm on Wednesdays is because I'm working. If not for that...well...I'd have to keep it a secret.

Cat said...

haha, hello! sorry to hear you have to work on wednesdays at 8. you're missing a great show... or... not....?