Wednesday, October 10, 2007

On Being Pretentious

Somebody, (I won't say who because most of us know him), but somebody said something about blogs and soul sucking pretension.

He may be right. He may well be. But I just wanted to say, I do this because so many people who I care about and who care about me are far, FAR away. I've moved a friggin' country, and with the rate our friends move away... well let's just say you have to become uber diligent about keeping up, and sometimes a catch up call or letter doesn't cut it. IT can be just as soul-less as a blog. When you catch a glimpse of little things in someone's life, it becomes personal, and that is what I'm trying to do for my distant relationships in a genuine attempt to nurture what few relationships are afforded me.

So I hear-by give you all permission, if I get at all pretentious, to call me out on it.


Heather Pelczar said...

Catherine, I am so glad you started a blog. (I, too, have recently joined the ranks of bloggers). I never get to see you and I live so close, so I am happy to check it out and feel like I still know who you are. Of course, this is the first time I have really seen it....

Sharad Yadav said...

Dude, I was talking about all the theological blogs (of which I've sadly participated) that actually cause you to instantly lose your salvation. THIS blog is where it's at.

Cat said...

Well that brings such sweet relief because you know there is absolutely no danger of this blog being theological, and thus any random stranger might instantly find their salvation. Wow, therein lies the great secret of evangelical christianity, but then, that means my blog has just become theological, and this comment utterly redundant.

And Heather, you are too kind.

Kasey said...

Hi Catherine,
I like your blog. And Sharad really was talking about theological blogs...I know a lot of which ones he's talking about and my comment was about his theological blog which is what he was responding about.....anyway..just wanted to vouch for him. I think we all love each other's personal blogs since so many of us have dispersed accross the country and world.

Cat said...
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Cat said...

i know he's a good guy - just take a look at his brother, and they're supposed to be identical right? my original post was just meant to make my intentions clear to myself and others, because i thought he made a good point originally, regardless of the kind of blog. the rest is just tongue in cheek i promise. honestly, can you imagine me writing about anything theological? i have two kids, all i write about is the cute things they say and the random navel gazing observation. i really should have named my blog "i am a vapour" to give some context to my sarcastic humour.
anyway, i'm glad you commented, thank you! nice to know that it's also people i know who are reading it.