Sunday, October 28, 2007


I have felt rather uninspired this week, probably because I have had more sleep and less time to dwell. Sleep deprivation really is the food for senseless and inane ramblings.

Last night we were saying good bye to guests, and there was a beautiful old red flat bed truck, you know the style that's very rounded? The engine growls like an old dog, and there is a romantic/nostalgic thing with it I just can't shake.

The patio is basically done!

Now the kids have a little space to play outside. We just need to do the frou frou things, put up a trellis, a vine of some kind (we're hoping for a fruiting passionfruit vine), maybe a little bistro chair and table set, and eventually some kind of fancy schmancy barbeque, which will probably take months and months to research (and save up for!), but eventually we will get the perfect one. I put all the coloured pots I had found for cheap at the beginning of spring out there, and it brightens up the area.

Maybe some 'erbs? I was also thinking of maybe a few bulbs in a big pot. Any suggestions?


Heather Pelczar said...

chinese lanterns area beautiful climbing vine that you can start in a pot. And we have a retro b-b-q grill that you can have. immediately if you want it. :>

Cat said...

i'll tell ryan, got a picture of it? he kinda had his heart set on a new one, but give me the info and I'll see if he can be pursuaded. we were thinking of going with a fruiting passionfruit vine, plus the flowers are just so pretty... can you get weather proof chinese lanterns??