Monday, May 26, 2008

Beautiful People

Why is it that so many of the cool blogs I like all belong to beautiful people? I read them and they're cool and fun and chic, and then you see a picture of the blogger, and they're tall, skinny, beautiful, not to mention amusing, artistic, talented, and making money from their art... egads, I feel so boring.

Case in point:


childhood flames

-who is wearing these shoes, which I love!

sew fussy

1 comment:

Jacquelyn said...

What! you don't like reading blogs about stupid people making ugly things! I can't believe it! I have a couple of really talented friend that make beautiful things I could never afford - that's just their "thing". My "thing" is music and homeschooling and providing a happy childhood to my kids. I'll never get paid for this but it is totally worth it!!