Thursday, May 15, 2008

Days like this...

Yesterday my dear, sweet husband planned a most fantastic surprise for me that was foiled, though not through any of his own doing.

When getting the kids snacks, I poured milk over their cookies instead of into their cups.

I stabbed myself no less than 7 times with pins, twice under the fingernail.

When I stepped out of the shower and found that my towel was wet, I realized I had already taken a shower that day, but forgotten about it, and then stressed out about getting a shower.


Kasey said...

I love that you forgot you had taken a shower. For me, I usually forget that I haven't.

Heather Pelczar said...

how hilarious. now that it's over I mean. So, did you still get the surprise? Was there impromptu chocolate something in there just because of the day?