Thursday, May 15, 2008

This is probably because the retreat is tomorrow...

I feel sick, nauseated in fact, and listless. I will write more about this later, but it's what I call the "Dead Woman Syndrome".

R's advice to me:
go jog around the block or something
punch a squirrel
smell a blade of grass
eat some fruit

As per usual I probably won't do anything that's good for me, because that is part of the symptoms of the syndrome.

I won't go on a jog, I probably won't smell a blade of grass. I could eat some fruit, but I'd rather punch a squirrel, because those are the easiest to catch.


Kasey said...


Naomi Smith said...

so how was the retreat? I prayed for you.

Unknown said...

If you don't feel up to it perhaps you could try:
Jogging round a blade of grass
smelling a squirrel
Punching some fruit
eating a block (of chocolate) or something