Thursday, January 17, 2008

Things are Changing

We've been making changes towards a way of living more focused on good stewardship, and while it certainly is a process, we've made some headway I think.

New Year's Directions for 2008:

Consume less, more careful meal planning, using what we have, buying what we need (except our earthquake kit).
Reexamine what in our house is "disposable" and replace it if possible with cloth. (Already done with diapers).
Make more from scratch, including kids clothes, bread, and other items.
Find out if there is a way with our set up to catch the water from the washing machine and use that to water our grass/plants/vegetables instead of new water.
Go buy two acres of land somewhere, with goats to keep the grass down and move towards solar power and some of our own fruit trees, vegetable garden, swap and trade with other hobby farms for needs, sell goat wool for cash...

Ok, so the last one is a pipe dream. But hey, a girl's gotta dream.

Her new fluffy butt in Loveybums

1 comment:

Naomi Smith said...

heigh ho! good for you! keep us updated on it all.