Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Yesterday, and even though it was a Monday, I cleaned my house top to bottom and did 5 loads of laundry.

It felt good to have a clean house. It did not feel good to feel like I neglected my children to do it. So I think my "Home Day" project needs some tweaking. But that is OK! That was the whole idea of the project, to start and see how I needed to make it fit the needs of MY family.

Consequently I have a gigantic mound of laundry to fold. I've been doing it sporadically during the day whilst watching Go, Diego, Go!

He's a charming little chap who lives in a miscellaneous jungle on Nick Jr. Ok, so you're probably wondering why we have cable right now. The answer is this:

That picture is by By Deirdre Hamill, The Arizona Republic - have to give her kudos, that picture is stunning! And perfectly sums up why my husband likes to watch the NBA playoffs every year; there is always a smashing game or two! And it's the reason why every year he gets the same gift - cable for his birthday!

And speaking of birthdays, we are hoping to have a sensational little dinner rendezvous to celebrate!

Oh and I'm also sewing and finishing off a project, photos of which will probably be on my OTHER blog that I hope to start... "I've Got A Foggy Notion"... about the delusion that is my sewing projects. Well, you gotta start somewhere.

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