Thursday, April 19, 2012

lemons. lots of lemons.

We were recently handed some lemons, both literally and figuratively.

Because I was dealing with life lemons, these actual lemons (two boxes of them) sat with perky optimism in the garage while I lived in a place of happy denial inside, eating a jar of nutella.

The thing is, I actually like lemons; lemonade, lemon curd, lemon bars, lemon cheesecake, lotions, balms and whatnot.  Oh the places we'd go little languishing lemons, if only life didn't get in the way!

In a rare moment of clarity, I decided the only thing for it was to squeeze them.  No, I'm not going to make the proverbial "lemonade".  Forced optimism is a bitter pill to swallow right now.  So I just milked them for what they are worth, and am moving on.


naomi said...

I want to eat some nutella with you . . . and then something lemony.

Heather Pelczar said...

Nutella can almost fix things....
And great job with the juicing. with all those peels, just think how many cathartic bricks you can throw. ;)