Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Pondering the future.

Sometimes I think it would be nice to have a dog.

I'm thinking maybe something of the medium height variety, with some poodle or collie in them (those breeds are smart and don't shed the same way as regular dogs).

I always imagined when I was a grown up that I would have a boy dog and name him Quasar.

My husband and oldest daughter would rather have a cat. I guess that might make for an interesting menagerie.

One day.

(edit: I did not know would not post again here for about 3 years. in that time a lot changed.  among other things we had another daughter, and a cat found us.)


Whitney said...

Dogs are better than cats. I hope you get one someday!

PJ said...

You did have a dog, his name was Dante. He was shortlived, but still quite doggish.