Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Quotes of 2008

"You don't have to jam your nose in there!" - Ryan Pue

"I have no function left in my body it was so amazing!" - Steph Thompson

"It's crazy that all my earliest childhood memories are bodily function disasters." - Anonymous.

"Howls. Howls of derisive laughter, Bruce." - Monty Python

"It's dejavu all over again!" - Swimming commentator at the Olympics.

"No sauce? No problem!" - Amelie & Imogen

"You just need that next neuron to fire... Go neuron!" - Ryan

Amelie Quotes:

"Don't be loud to the doggie, you make her ears hurt." - Amelie to Imogen

Ryan: Amelie, why did you take your ponytail out?
Amelie: Because it was all hairy.
Ryan: It was hairy?
Amelie: AND dangerous.

Me: Cute shoes, Amelie!
Amelie: Yeah, they were sixty dollars, but the right colour.
Me: Sixty dollars?!
Amelie: Yeah, remember? I got them at the store.

Amelie, sounding out words to Imogen:
"No, it's p-p-p-chinchilla!"

Amelie, to the fabric counter girl:
"I have a grandma."
"I have cousins."
"I have a Papa, and he has lots of beer!"

Amelie, doing music study with Mama, and listening to Olsen Olsen, by Sigur Ros:
Mama: What do you think is in his heart that he's trying to get out?
Amelie: He has an ache in his heart.
Mama: A sad ache, or a happy ache?
Amelie: A happy ache. Like a blue crack. In the floor.

Amelie: The sun gives me Bite-amins (Vitamins)
Mama: Oh really? Which vitamins?
Amelie: Pony ones. Because they're better than giraffes.

Amelie getting ready for a bath, yells:"The nakey buns are HERE!!" and points to her butt with two hands.

Cory Gustke: Amelie, what do you like on your pizza?
Amelie: Tickles.

Amelie, commenting on the puppies at the mall:
I love their ears. They're so deli-fish.

Papa: Amelie, who were Peter Rabbit's sisters?
Amelie: Mootsie, Jootsie aaaaand... Tootsie!

Papa brings the girls ketchup at In-N-Out:
Amelie: Woaaaah! Shiver me timbers!!

Amelie: These are going to be the BEST cupcakes EVER!
Mama: Oh, thank you, Amelie! It makes me so happy that you have such confidence in Mama's cooking. You make me feel so good!
Amelie shrugs slightly: It's kinda my job.

Whitney: You have a cute smile.
Amelie: That's why God made me special.

Amelie: Honey. It's cereal ketchup!

Amelie crashes heads with Imogen really hard. Amelie cries, Imogen looks at her.
Me: Wow, that was quite a whop!
Amelie: Yeah (cries some more) Immi has a strong head!
Me: (laughing) Yes. Yes she does.
Amelie: But I doooon't have one (and cries again).

Imogen quotes:

Imogen: Um on. Wick. Urry.
Me: Why?
Imogen: Cwackers.

"Aff oo et mah blip blops."

Imogen hears a song in a clothing store.
Imogen: Singin'?
Me: Yeah. (wryly) She's saying, touch me right now.
Imogen: Gwoss.

Me: There's one dice, two dice. Pick them up, please.
Imogen: No dice!

"'Nother pop'tickle!"

"I love food! I just wanna eat, eat, EAT!"

"Stop it, dude!"

1 comment:

Jayme Solomon said...

Too funny! :) Thanks for sharing...